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Player: 20596 Guild: Black Tar Pirates Title/Rank: The Travelling Level: 80.45 (Rank 38) Economy: 11,454 Account: Upgraded Expire: 13 Dec 2025 Account Age: 3,175 Days | 在东方的地平线上,升起了一颗蓝色的星星,它像是放在天空这块淡红色轻纱上的一块蓝宝石。 On the eastern horizon, a blue star rising, it looks like a sapphire on pale red gauze in the sky. “爸爸,我们是从那里来的吗?”晶晶问。 "Daddy, did we came from there??" Jingjing asked. “是的。”我点点头。 "Yes." I nodded. “我们的爷爷奶奶一直住在那里吗?” "Do our grandparents living there all the time?" “是的,他们一直住在那里。” "Yes, they living there all the time." “那是地球吗?” "Is that Earth?" 看着那蓝色的星球,我像在看着母亲的瞳仁,泪水在我的眼中打转,我哽咽着说: Looking at the blue planet, I feeling I was looked at my mother's pupil, tears swirling in my eyes, I choked and said: “是的孩子,那是地球。” "Yes my child, that's earth." | |
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